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HEALTH : is sport really effective for weight loss ?

Do you want to refine your figure by losing a few extra pounds? You have started a diet, but you want to lose weight faster? Weight loss don’t come easy but you can dot it !Here are the trendy way to do it.

The solution lies in the practice of sport. Indeed, combining a healthy diet with regular physical activity allows you to burn your fat more quickly. To help you find the exercises that are right for you, here are some of them to practice to lose weight quickly.

Is sport really effective for weight loss?

Before developing on the different exercises to be done, it is necessary to know why and under what conditions doing sport helps weight loss. Regular physical activity not only helps you lose weight, but also helps you tone your body.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that it is necessary to combine with a healthy and balanced diet.

Indeed, your diet has an equally important impact on your figure. It is therefore necessary to balance your diet before you start exercising and find a physical activity that suits you.

Walking to lose weight

If you are not a great sportsman, it is necessary to start gently and not to force. Walking is an excellent activity to start with. It allows your muscles to burn calories by drawing on your fat reserves.

Walking usually activates the muscles in the lower part of your body. Therefore, regular practice will allow you to firm and tone your legs, thighs and calves and will actively fight against the cells that are embedded.

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To effectively lose calories, it is necessary to maintain your walking pace over a period of 20 to 50 minutes in general. But you can start smoothly and increase the pace as you go. Set goals each time to make it more effective. For example, start walking for 30 minutes at a moderate intensity, then increase as you go along.

Walking can be done in the everyday view by shopping or going to work (if it’s not too far away). In addition, it will allow you to get rid of your dark thoughts and escape from the hassles of everyday life for a few minutes.

How to lose belly?

weight loss sport

Having a flat belly is the nightmare of many people. To eliminate the excess fat in your stomach, one of the best solutions is to get into cardio. It will be possible for you to practice it in different forms.

For example, you can opt for sports walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. One of the most effective activities for a flat stomach is jogging. It is a sport that generally allows you to quickly burn calories and tap into your fat reserve. You can do it in a gym or outdoors with friends. It should be noted that jogging allows you to target the belly area, but also to work your heart at the same time.

Another sport that will help you refine your body is swimming. It is a complete sport that effectively strengthens your whole body: stomach, legs, thigh, shoulders…. The crawl and breaststroke are the most interesting to tone the abdominal muscles.

And, it is advisable to alternate sessions with aquagym or aquabike. Whichever sport you choose, it should be noted that it will be more effective after about 40 minutes. So you will have to hold on for the right cause.

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Some sports to have beautiful legs

Beautiful legs that are firm and well sculpted, who doesn’t dream of it? To achieve this, get into running. For a more effective result in your legs, you will need to focus on endurance. To start your workout, do a ten to twenty minute session and increase as you feel comfortable. When you feel out of breath, continue with the brisk walk. To do it right, remember to get enough fluids. Remember to drink before and after your session.

Another activity that is just as effective to have beautiful legs: the skipping rope. Like running, it is about endurance. And, also, start with small series of jumps and increase the difficulties little by little.

Vary the pleasures of your jumps by trying, for example, crossed legs, moving forward…. This activity has the advantage of not being expensive and is easy to do. Note that on average, a 15-minute skipping rope session has the same benefits as a 30-minute jogging session.

In addition to providing you with perfect legs, the skipping rope will help you improve your breathing and eliminate cellulite at the same time.

Strengthen your upper body with a few exercises

After muscling your lower body, it is now time to tone your upper body. To have a nice arm, why not do push-ups? The goal is not to have muscles, but to simply redesign them. Pumps on the knees should be done at least minutes a day. Unlike conventional pumps, when you do pumps on your knees, you lean on your knees and not on the tips of your feet.

Make sure your hands are spread a little further than the width of your shoulders. To do the exercise properly, then go down slowly and climb up more steeply. To target your shoulders, upper back and triceps, dips on a chair are effective. All you have to do is sit on a chair, bend your knees and lean on the chair with your hands.

What do you think about it ?
Do you have other ways for weight loss to share with us ?

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